UTX accept the challenge!

Last Sunday, members of UTX were given a challenge: to use pasta and marshmallows to build a bridge that would support a (toy) sheep. The sheep had to be at least two hymn books above the table. The two teams worked hard on various designs and got very sticky in the process. Some of the marshmallows were diverted to help their brains work with a sugar injection but this is what was created:

Team Angel made the longest bridge:

UTX pasta bridge 1

After trying some bridge designs, Team Shepherd decided that their sheep was afraid of heights so made it a comfy four-poster bed instead:

UTX pasta bridge 2

We then enjoyed some delicious Jude’s ice cream – thank you Judith – before talking about how we had contributed to the bridge making exercise and what our gifts might be. We read St Paul’s description of the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12 and thought about what part we might be called to play.

For those who are concerned, no sheep were hurt in the making of the bridges but who knew they would get quite so sticky…or then take so long to dry after a much needed wash!


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