Spring and the end of the Vacancy….?


Lucy and I had the opportunity after the Lent lunch today at the Burness’ house (thank you Anna and Christopher) to visit Geoff Dee’s garden to look at some snow drops, aconites, crocuses, hellebores, daphnes and other early signs of Spring in the Valley on this beautiful sunny day.

It struck me that when you see the signs you know that Spring is coming despite all the rain and cold nights.


Its a bit like that with the end of the Vacancy.  I know it is difficult not knowing when or who.  But as work begins at the Rectory, we know that the new Rector is coming.  Even if we still do not know who he or she is……or at all when he or she is coming.


As I have mentioned before patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit – see Galatians 5:22 (NRSV).  If we cannot bear this wait any longer (and are tending to get a bit frustrated with the whole process) then asking the Lord to fill us up with his Holy Spirit is definitely the way forward and, after appropriate repentance, I am sure that He will (see below for an appropriate prayer).

It’s a good discipline during Lent to ask for Him to fill us up with His Holy Spirit every day in any event.

Like the arrival of Spring, the arrival of the new Rector is inevitable.  Let’s use the remaining days or weeks as a spiritual discipline; as an exercise in seeking the Lord’s help when we have got to the end of our own resources.

Revd Alex Pease

A prescription for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control (Galatians 5:22 NRSV): pray the following sincerely before breakfast every day of Lent (and every day while symptoms persist):.

“Lord Jesus Christ,

I am sorry for………(take a few moments to ask his forgiveness for anything that it on your conscience).  Thank you that you offer me forgiveness and the gift of your Spirit.  Please forgive me.  Please fill me up with your Holy Spirit.  I now receive that gift.  Thank you Lord Jesus Amen”

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